If the devil can influence your thoughts, He can get you to do his deeds.
It all starts with our thoughts, and if those thoughts are negative and wrong, and we speak those thoughts and soon we have set a trap for ourselves with our own words. I have heard people say, " you know me, I am going to speak my mind" What if the devil has placed those very thoughts in your mind, to bring hurt and pain to someone? I have experienced this many times from Christians, and I just stayed silent, that let them know something was not right in their words. We need to think before we speak. Ask ourselves, is this thought from me, God or the devil. Is it a thought that gives me peace or does it have fear or pride attached to it? As weak as Jesus was in the wilderness in His temptation, He never allowed the devil to alter His thoughts about God's word. Every thing that the devil threw at Him, was superseded, by "It is written" Jesus also showed us in that encounter with the devil, that in our humanity, we too can win over the barr...