What leads us to repentance? It is the goodness of God.

Romans 2:4 (Speaking of judging others)

Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance and longsuffering, no knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?

Sometimes the good things of God come our way when we are not expecting the blessing.

We saw ourselves as needy in an area of our walk, but didn't expect God to answer in the way that He did. God over answered our prayers.

A good example is Paul and Silas (Acta 16:1-40)

Paul and Silas being in the prison, didn't know what would happen to them. As they sang to the Lord miracles occurred.

Philippians 1:12-14

But I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel, so that it has become evident to the whole palace guard, and all the rest, that my chains are in Christ; and most of the brethren in the Lord, having become confident by my chains, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.

There are three forces that work against God's kingdom. Things that controlled us before we came to Jesus Christ.

Beloved, our worst enemy is ourselves. We were tempted by things in the world.

We were tempted in our flesh, (The old sinful nature) it is an enemy of our soul. 

It tries to confuse our mind, by working on our emotions and that will move us away from the will of God for us.

James 3:13

Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in meekness of wisdom.

But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth.

This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthy, sensual, demonic. For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing will be there.

Yes, I quote this scripture often, because like Jesus repeated His messages in different ways, I have learned that my brothers and sisters forget too quickly the scripture that will help them see the dark uncommitted areas in their life.

That flesh can be stubborn, demanding, and anxious, or fearful, or resentful and unforgiving.

Beloved, if you sense any of these things in your life, run to the cross of Jesus. Pray, repent, and you will feel that you are at peace.

Call on the name of Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit to manifest self-control, a sharp clear mind and strong faith in God.

When you call out to Jesus, you will receive the unexpected from His understanding loving heart.

He will flood you with His peace, and joy once again as you trust Him.

Beloved, God knew all we would have to endure, He sent the Holy Spirit that never leaves us. 

Our Beloved companion, until Jesus takes us home.

Remember you cannot fix yourself, so stop trying. Give it all to Jesus. Apply the blood of Jesus to your body, soul and spirit.

Learn to cooperate with the Holy Spirit when He speaks to your heart.

Paul and Silas were not expecting the earthquake, or the end results that they received. And the jailor and his household being saved. 

Nor was Joseph expecting to be a ruler nor Moses the deliverer, nor Peter and John and the other disciples, to being chosen by the Son of God.

When you follow Jesus, there will be some pain and suffering to bring the better good. Teaching us to let go of this old world.

Beloved, God always over answers our prayers.

When you don't see His hand, trust His heart.

Some people are stuck in their emotional pain that their mind magnifies. This robs them.

They need to renew their mind in God's word and let go of the past. 

It is over, you cannot bring it back, it is all washed away by the blood of Jesus.

It has been nailed to the cross.

The worlds counsel will not help, accept for a season, maybe?  

Only God's word heals and makes whole by the blood of Jesus.

Don't try to get your help from the world and its way of doing things. It won't last.

When God heals it will be evident, like the crippled man at the gate.  And several others examples in the word of God. 

Just a word spoken, it doesn't take hours like the worlds counsel.

Things happened to others that they were not expecting. A word from God's word opened hearts.

The goodness of God will always out do what we perceive to be the right way, when it is only a temporary fix, to make us feel better.

 Forgive and move on. When you trust God, you can trust Him for the unexpected, He will surprise you with His good intentions for you.

Because of His love for you, He will always answer our prayers in His time and  in His way, to cause growth and healings in our life.

Body, soul and spirit. The best is yet to be.

Expect the unexpected!

God Bless your day

Jesus loves you.


Trust and obey.... there is no other way.... Oh, what a powerful truth! Exceeding , abundant above all that we think or ask! God IS good!
Wayne Estrada said…
That Phrase "Expect the Unexpected" is one I have held unto for many years. Great minds think alike! Thank you for this important reminder.

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