When you spend time with Jesus your words will carry power and will be anointed. 

Those that are around you will know that you are different, not better than they, but different.

Acts 4:13

Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled, and they realized that they had been with Jesus.

Beloved, see what a difference it makes when you spend time with Jesus.

The disciples on the road to Emmaus after encountering the resurrected Jesus, After Jesus opened up the scriptures to them had this to say.

Luke 24:32 

And they said to one another, "Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the scriptures to us?"

Beloved, have you ever thought about how much time that Paul spent in jail.  

He was alone with Jesus allowing the Holy Spirit to impart all that Paul wrote from prison.

Letters to the churches to help set things in order and to encourage and teach them.

When we spend time with the Lord, quality time, we become encouragers. And we have our mind renewed and are able to give answers that are asked of us about our faith in Jesus.

1Peter 3:15

But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear;

If you are NOT spending quality time with Jesus, your ministry and church becomes just a business, or a club of people who want their ears tickled.  They are not interested in the truth of God's word.

Your ministry of giving to others just becomes a charity. No thought about sharing Jesus.

If Pastors and ministers are NOT spending quality time with Jesus, they will just become motivational speakers like the world has.

Puffing up the flesh and giving nothing for the spirit. 

No repentance, no conviction of sin, so that they can make necessary changes in their life. So that they can hear truth, and they can respond.

The word of God gives conviction to our heart. This helps us see areas that the Holy Spirit is showing us need to be changed. 

The anointed word of God shines the light on our dark places.

Without including the Holy Spirit in the service, it will become men's ideas and of no value to our soul.

Only the presence of Jesus will give your ministry life and a distinction.

Even our good intentions to serve must be with the thought, "this will help and bring hope" because I have prayed and committed this to the Lord Jesus.

Luke 10:38-39

Now it happened as they went that they entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house.

And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at Jesus feet and heard His word.

Martha was ready to serve without spending time at Jesus feet.

 This caused her to accuse Jesus that He didn't care that Mary was not helping with the serving. 

This story makes it clear that serving can wait until one spends time with Jesus.

God's word comes first. Communication with the Almighty.

When my kids were little I would close the bathroom door while in there and that became my quiet place with the Lord. The throne room.

When you have two small ones 13 months apart it is difficult to find a quite place.

When Believers DO NOT spend time with the Lord, their words become nothing but lip service, there is little life to be had.

Testimonies don't work for all, because that is 

another's journey, not yours.  It can encourage others to look to Jesus if they glorify Him in their message.

There will be no conviction for us to see the need for change if Jesus is not included.

We can say a lot of things that sound good, but if our heart is not engaged, it does not carry life.

We must be prepared at all times, make time to read God's word and pray from our heart.

Put yourself in the other persons shoes and feel what they are asking prayer for.

Do you want to feel refreshed and renewed?

Here's what you can do!!

I like to sing to the Lord.  Years ago we sang the Psalms and the presence of the Lord was so evident. Pray, Praise and worship the Lord!

Beloved, spend some quality time with Jesus.

He's waiting for some time with you so that He can impart new life in your soul. 

He wants to give you new ideas and touch the deepest part of you.

When you are spending time with Jesus, you will be renewed and refreshed.

You will feel refreshed, like a cool shower on a hot day. 

The Holy Spirit imparts new life daily.

When you have spent quality time with Jesus you will be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.

James 1:19

So then, my beloved brethren,  let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath;  for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.

When we spend time with Jesus, it will be evident by the words coming forth from our mouth. They will carry life. (Life and death are in the power of the tongue).

And our actions will bear out the fact that we have been with Jesus.

Religious activities, cannot replace sitting at the feet of Jesus.

God Bless your day

Jesus loves you

Love in Jesus



There is no substitute for spending quality time with Jesus! Church and religious activities can become a false God, causing us to think that it is the same as spending time with Him. It patently is not. There is only one place and that place is in His sweet presence! Amen 🙏 Great Word of encouragement!
Anonymous said…
Every morning! Spending time with Jesus helps me through my day, so that I can be a better help to others.
HarrietEE said…
This is such a a wonderful reminder of how important it is for us to spend devoted time to Jesus💛the results within us will lead to peace of mind🙏Thank you Joy for the beautiful Bible verses❤️God Bless you and your mission🙏💛
Anonymous said…
Oh Joy, this message brings joy to my heart. Spending time with Jesus is the key to everything, because everything we need is found in His presence! Thank you so much for sharing this.
❤️ Nancy R

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