Self discipline is denying  the desires and actions of the flesh. (That old sinful nature)

Discipline, is instruction, reproof and correction,  something we all need in our life.

Matthew 16:24-25

Then Jesus said to His disciples.

If  anyone desires to come after Me,  let him  deny himself, and take up his cross,  and follow Me.

For whoever desires to save his life will lose it,  but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.

Matthew 10:38

And he who does not take his cross and follow Me is not worth of Me.

When we find ourselves in a serious trial, remember that tribulation produces perseverance. Perseverance builds our character, that leads us to hope.

Beloved, when we deny ourselves and take up our cross, our destiny is to crucify the flesh daily.

This is so that we can be alive with God's love and pour out our love on those that need some hope in their life.

Finding our life in Jesus has some wonderful implications.  There is faith and grace that we can count on,  peace and joy in serving the Lord.

God loves us so much that He will not allow the flesh or the enemy to take advantage of us.

If we do not correct and discipline ourselves, then God will do it for us.  He is a loving Father and He will correct us.

2 Corinthians 7: 10

For godly sorrow produces repentance,  leading to salvation,  not to be regretted;  but  the sorrow of the world produces death.

Be sorry for you failures and weaknesses, repent, then leave it all at the cross.  

There is resurrection day coming and a new you has come to the light without carrying shame and regret and remorse.

We were buried with Christ and raised to newness of life.  Know who you are in Christ,  the old you is gone.

In the old Testament, the sins were covered, but, in the New testament they have been washed away by the blood of Jesus.

Hebrews 8:12

For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and lawless deeds I will remember no more.

So beloved, when you fall or fail, discipline yourself, confess, repent and correct yourself and catch those thoughts that do not belong to the new you in Jesus Christ.

Cast them down, don't allow them a place in your mind.

2Corinthians 10:4-5

For our weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for the pulling down strongholds,  casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God,  bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,  and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled. 

Strongholds, are fortresses that are shutting out the light.

If you allow the enemy to pollute your mind with his negative thoughts, he will continue to make you miserable.  

Cast down any thought that does not belong in your mind that does not measure up to your new life in Jesus. (Remember the enemy is the accuser)

Beloved, we have the mind of Christ, if we apply ourselves to knowing God's word.  His will is in His word.  

The Holy Spirit will let you know what you are to allow in that mind.

Philippians 4:8

Finally, brethren,  whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure,  whatever things are lovely, whatever things are a good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praise worthy-meditate (think) on these things.

The mind that is being renewed daily, that is IF you are feeding on God's word,  will reject the things that are not of God. 

It is in God's word where life is found!  The life that God intends us to live.  Our instruction manual.

So search your heart and see what you need to correct before it gets out of hand, before God has to do the correcting with discipline.

It's the little foxes that spoil the vine. 

It is the little things that are outside of God's will, that start to build up to the big things in our walk with the Lord, they need repentance.

God's love, mercy and grace will see you through. Listen to the Holy Spirit He is your helper and teacher

God bless your day

Jesus loves you

Love in Jesus



Now. More than ever before, the enemy wants us distracted. He knows that God is pouring out of His Spirit into all flesh! Sin, temptations, distraction assail us every minute! Only by His Spirit and His Word, can we be victorious 🙏 We have to settle it once and for all that Jesus Christ is Lord. We have the victory that He attained for us on Calvary. IT IS FINISHED ☑️
Jim Morgan said…
A friend who writes daily devotionals from Proverbs recently alluded to the possibility of losing salvation. What I wrote him back reminded me a little of what you discussed in your Thought for the Day...

"The biblical term for fear is more akin to respect. However, both respect and fear are warranted if we see God (like I do) as a Father. As sons we should expect discipline from dad when we disobey. However, a good dad (like the perfect Father you and I share) would never banish a son from his family. I’ve done an extensive study on the topic and don’t believe Scripture (including John 10:28-30) supports the idea of losing salvation for our behavior, any more than we can attain it through our behavior."
HarrietEE said…
Self correction is not easy, but if we are diligent and do this daily, we will stay closer to God's Mercy, Jesus' Salvation and the Holy Spirit's Protection🙏💛

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