Finding the hidden treasure in God's word part 2

 Have you ever gone on a treasure hunt?  

Its interesting of how involved you can be. Searching for the things on your list.

Well beloved, searching for God's treasure is more rewarding.  

It will increase your wisdom and understanding as to how the Lord works in our life.

God paints a picture for us, so that we will understand how He works and places certain people in our life for a reason or for a season.

A good example is found in Job.  

People say that they don't understand why Job went through all of that loss because he was a good man.

Here's the entrance Satan had:

Job made sin offerings for his children daily for fear that they had sinned.  

Job never made the offerings for himself.  He saw himself not in need.

There is some pride in his heart because of the fear he allowed to enter his thoughts.  Pride and fear go together.

Job 1:8

Then the Lord said to Satan, "have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?" (God doesn't see His children as we do)

Evidently, Satan had been watching Job, and saw the fear of the Lord in him, but he could do nothing to Job until he asked God. 

Job had the wrong kind of fear when he would sacrifice to the Lord for the sins of his children. He saw the Lord in a wrong light.


Job 3:25

For the thing that I greatly feared has happened to me.

Job had the wrong kind of fear.  He saw the Lord as harsh.

Our kind of fear of the Lord is to love and honor and respect our God, not to be in terror of him. 

Even though Job was a good man he still allowed  the wrong kind of fear to enter his thoughts about God.

God didn't see Jobs flaws, He saw Job as an upright man. He had a hedge around him to protect from anything that would harm him or his family. God knows our humanness. 

Let me encourage you to read Job and see how he grows to understand who God really is and why he had to suffer so much. He went from Fear to faith,  seeing God as Father and protector, the Almighty loving one.

This will show you some hidden treasure.

Explore Jobs conversations with the Lord and the Lords reply.

Job grew from self confident to a humble man with integrity. He grew to see God in the right light.

Job 42:5-6

I have heard of You by hearing of the ear, But now my eye sees You.  Therefore I abhor myself, And repent in dust and ashes.  

Job is now seeing himself as he is.  He is now humbled before God.

Job 42:10&12

And the Lord restored Job's losses when he prayed for his friends,  Indeed the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before. 

Now the Lord blessed Job more than his beginning;

Job had the most beautiful daughters in the world.

What about fearful Gideon? God saw only the warrior in him, God ignored the fear, and encouraged him.

Another example is:

 That there would be no David, had Naomi and her family not moved to the place of idol worship in Moab. 

Do you know people in the world worshipping other things?  Pray for them, there is hope for them.

Look up the names of Naomi's sons.  It is a real eye opener.

Naomi had 10 long years to teach Ruth and Orpah about the God of Israel. His faithfulness and provisions for His children.

Naomi had to obey her husband and go when the famine came to Bethlehem.  

God had a plan and they would fit perfectly in His plan of future salvation. 

Orpah represents the old law,  Ruth represents the grace and mercy of God.

Boaz, a picture of Christ, to redeem the gentile people.  Ruth married Boaz and that is why she is found in the genealogy of Jesus Christ.

Ruth was David's great grand-mother.

What I love in this story is that God always has hands full of purpose for His children.  Ruth gleaning for less but God has the greater for her.

He more than provides.  Just like He over answers our prayers. 

Beloved, there are so many hidden treasures in God's word.  Seek them out and you will understand fully, and have a greater wisdom to live by.

Read the genealogy of Jesus. Matthew 1-16. Look up each name and see the meaning, and the story about each name.

Wow, that will keep you in God's word for a while.

The more you understand in Gods word, the less you will stress in your trials and testing's.

Find the  hidden treasure in each name listed.  You will have a greater understanding of how our Lord works in peoples lives for their good.

God bless your day

Jesus loves you

Love in Jesus 



HarrietEE said…
A great explanation of how God leaves hidden treasures for us to find, as he knows that we seek after Him. Also interesting the connection between fear and pride! So True!
Debbie Williams said…
Every word that proceeds from the mouth of YAH IS TREASURE AND LIFE AND REPROOF AND ❤ ISNT IT MAMA JOY. Faith, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, reverence , Counsel there is so much ...YOUR WORD WAS FOUND BY ME AND I DID EAT IT AND IT WAS THE JOY AND REJOICING OF MY ❤....I LOVE THIS AND LOVE AND MISS YOU.

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