If you love God you will obey His word, and peace will follow.

 People who love God will obey His word.  

When you love God you want to please Him and show Him by obeying His word.

John 14:21

He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.

Our hearts may be moved during worship times, but do we obey God's word?

Loving God is linked to our obedience.

2 John 6

"This is love, that we walk according to His commandments.  This is the commandment, that you have heard from the beginning, you should walk in it.

We obey God's word because we know that He has our best interest at heart. He is our Abba Father.

I had an experience years ago when I lived in Austin, Texas.

I had lead my hairdresser to Jesus, and she said that she had cousins from out of town, would I come to her house and share Jesus with them.  I went and they also received the Lord.

They wanted to be baptized, so I called my church, they said that they only baptize on certain dates.  

I was hearing the Holy Spirit saying to me keep trying. Here I was with a car load of new Christians. Who had to leave town, so it had to be that day.

So I called the Great Hills Baptist church and Pastor O'Chester agreed, so I took them and he baptized them all. 

God bless that dear brother for making time to do the will of God.  He obeyed the Holy Spirit that day.

Our obedience has evidence of actions.  Do we give up or keep listening to the Holy Spirit?

Isaiah 1:19

If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land; 

Beloved, we must be willing in our heart and obedient to God's word and mission.

No matter what it may look like, keep trying to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit.

Our obedience has great rewards, starting with peace in our heart that we obeyed God.

Luke 6:46

" But why do you call Me "Lord Lord", and not do the things which I say"

Is Jesus your Lord if you do not obey His word?

Loving Jesus and obeying all He has said to us in His word, is proof of that love. If He is Lord to you, then obey Him! Do what He says.

Acts 5:32

"And we are His witnesses to these things, and so  also is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey Him."

Beloved, obey the prompting of the Holy Spirit and do the will of the Lord in your life and in others.

God's timing is perfect, Pastor O'Chester happened to be in town and was willing and obedient to his ministry.

Never give up when it looks like a closed door, push on it and see if it is open.

Thank God for the men and women of God that listen and obey the call of the Spirit. 

Sometimes it looks to inconvenient, and the flesh will try to stop us, so just listen to the Holy Spirit.

God's timing is perfect.

Obey God's word and you will find great joy and peace for your soul. Get quiet and listen. 

Silent and listen have the same letters. That's a lesson in itself.

When something looks impossible, that's when God goes to work, as nothing is impossible with God.

Obedience nd love go together.

God bless your day

Jesus loves you

Love in Jesus



HarrietEE said…
I Lord help me in being obedient to you🙏Amen
Anonymous said…
Thank you Joy. "If you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart, God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Confessing with your mouth Jesus is Lord, is not just about saying words. It's about acknowledging what is true in your life He is Lord! He is the one that we obey. Ruaty

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