Spectators or disciples?
From spectator to disciple.
So many of our brothers and sisters in the Lord, have settled for a comfortable church service, they knew there would be a couple songs, a message and hand shaking going out the door. No real fellowship.
I have asked people if they remembered the sermon. So many were just counting the minutes until they could get to their favorite place to eat.
Jesus was not on their mind. Jesus was their last thought.
They were only thinking o themselves.
But since the new reset, their mind is on the one who controls all things, the Lord.
The religious crowd is waking up and realizing things have changed.
No more church as usual. They are realizing they are the church. The body of Christ on this earth.
1Timothy 4:1
Now the Spirit expressly says that in the later times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods with God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.
Beloved, we are living in this time. we are told by the world to avoid certain foods, they want us to be vegetarians.
I believe in eating healthy and eating the foods that God made, but lets not forget the story of the prodigal son, Jesus said they killed the fated calf. That's meat. The protein our bodies need.
When we are just spectators we will settle for anything that the world dishes out. Disciples will check God's word to see if its true.
If we would read God's word daily, we would be lead by the Holy Spirit to the things that are good for us as God's children.
When you are a disciple and not just a spectator you will be lead by God to those foods that you are to put into your body.
After all our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit.
Attending church should not be a duty we fulfill. It should have an exciting expectancy of meeting with our brothers and sisters.
Let me direct you to the book of Acts. They went from house to house sharing a meal and fellowshipping around the love of Jesus.
Encouraging one another, if someone had a need they met that need, shared with each other. Love gives of their self and their substance.
I am glad to see the reset. God's kids are waking up from their slumber.
There are brothers and sisters that need to use their gifts and callings to build up the body of Christ.
Sharing with each other the hope in the Lord. Getting excited about Jesus's return soon.
Beloved, draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
Get into His presence of God and enjoy fellowship with your maker. Seek You first the kingdom of God. First thing on your mind should be Jesus and all He has provided for you.
God bless your day
Jesus loves you
Love in Jesus
O Mama Joy, thankyou for stirring us up and encouraging fellowship it is vital to the body of Christ. I am so thankful for the inspiration you give GOD be praised for you using your gift to remind us and correct us . May you be lifted up and strengthened this day and may the LORD give you joy as your name so defines, thankyou for the joy I have in you HIS servant and the joy in our messiah the Christ! Halleluyah