The cares of this world, will choke out God's word.

 Many of us have been paying close attention to what is happening in our world .

In the story about the seeds sown. JESUS MAKES IT CLEAR.  That the cares of this world will choke out the word of God.  Mark 4:19

Do you read Gods word daily?  It is important to fill up with God's word. Seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added to you. What things you ask? whatever is needed for our body.

God provided everything Adam and Eve needed, in Christ Jesus we have all we need.


Beloved, the world and the church is going through a reset. 

God cannot allow His kids to be seduced by the world.  As Paul said if they preach any other gospel, let them be accursed. Well we have seen through the years, another gospel take the place of  the true word. of God.

There is one Savior, Jesus Christ who died for you. No man, no matter how great he seems to be, should ever be worshipped.

All the worship belongs to Jesus, not man.  I believe that God has  the true churches attention.

Wake up church, speaking of the body of Christ, not the building you meet in.

Acts 7 :48, "However, the Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands, as the prophet says;

SOME OF US HAVE SETTLED FOR A QUICK FIX, SINGSING a few songs and hearing a message to comfort us.  what we needed was not comfort, but conviction. 

Read what Paul wrote in God's word.  Yes, he blessed and comforted the believers, but he also confronted their sin.

Sin has run ramped in the church. As well as compromise.  Now we know why their were five foolish virgins, and five wise.  

Beloved that is half, anyway you look at it. We have insulted the Spirit of Grace, by not being continually filled with the Spirit.  It is a continuing filling not a one time deal.

Each day is new, so we need a fresh filling of God's Spirit.  As  you read God's word, you will fill up fresh. As you spend time just worshipping Jesus the Holy Spirit will fill you full of life and light.

The cares of this world will have no place in your mind. The word of God will not be choked out

The more we know about God and His word, the more peace we will experience. He wrote it all down for us, so we would be guided to do his will.

As I have always said, His will is in His word.

Do you want to know what God's will is for your life? it is right there in His word.

Don't allow all that is going on to distract you from spending time with Jesus.

God bless each of you,

 thank for your prayers, I am getting better every day. Psalm 107:20

Jesus loves you

love in Jesus, 



Anonymous said…
A timely message in light of all that is going on around us! By keeping our eyes on Jesus, we will do more than just survive; we will overcome!
Debbie Williams said…
Mama Joy so happy to have you pack and all glory, honor and power to King YESHUA for HIS testimony in you, O how great thou art YEHOVAH to give us this great woman of the One true living CREATOR given to us to correct, encourage and draw us nearer to the heart of GOD and HIS will and HIS works, to help us stay on path to reveal mysteries that we have not yet been given by HIS HOLY SPIRIT, I give all praise for strengthening her, restoring, reviving, for giving her the thoughts of the heart of YESHUA so that HIS thoughts will be ours. Every moment you are stronger and stronger and full of joy and HIS WORD will continue to come from the mouth (pei) of GOD through you, yes, stronger and stronger, waiting and trusting in HIM. O how I praise HIM to see this thought for the day and my mama Joy back.
HarrietEE said…
This is a great message for our times, especially here in the USA. Keeping our lives centered on Jesus is the most important thing we can do! So wonderful to have Joy back with her loving wisdom and insight. God please continue to heal Joy and completely restore her.

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