Sorry for the delay - I left Virginia in the early AM, and spent the afternoon with Mom. When I got there, she was actually awake, with a look that convinced me I was grounded again. She had to be restrained because she tries to pull the intubation tube out. She can only nod yes and no at the moment. At first she didn't know who I was (not grounded then), but when I lifted the mask she knew. She's very wide eyed, so I asked her yes/no questions.
She doesn't know how she got in the hospital, and doesn't remember being at the store when she went down. When I asked her if she was afraid, tears rolled out of her eyes. After a number of questions, I asked if she was afraid she was going to die, she nodded no, and dozed for a bit.
She is warmed up, and they are starting to wean her from the intubation tube. Tomorrow, if she tolerates 2 hours of it, the Docs want to discuss removing it. Little by little there is progress...
Thank you all for your prayers!!
Randy Roe
~Psalm 56:8~
Prayers for God to bless, protect, heal and fully restore Joy!