We should be letting people see the joy of our salvation.
A smile will bring light to your eyes, so people can see Jesus.
Our face lights up and our whole being is full of light, and it shows through our smile.
It all comes from the joy of our salvation. Knowing that God loves us, and has forgiven us of all our sin.
We are new creatures in Christ, we are light, not darkness.
Although light shines the brightest in the dark. (Think on this)
Proverbs 15:13
A merry heart makes a cheerful continence, by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken. (Darkness sets in )
Proverbs 15:30
The light of the eyes rejoices the heart, And a good report makes bones healthy.
Let people see the joy of your salvation, they will want what you have. JESUS!
Jesus said, He wanted our joy to remain, but if we fill our mind and our ears with all the junk of the world, we can lose our joy, or at least the expression of it.
Whatever we put into our mind and spirit will come out.
Stop watching the trash and rubbish that the world dishes out.
Instead fill your mind with God's word or books that uplift the life of Jesus.
Let the joy of the Lord engulf you, so that you can flow out on others. We do carry a life giving force.
That is those of us who love the Lord. It will show from our inside to the outside, with our smile.
Remember beloved, a smile can set a lot of things straight.
Joy is not the same as happiness, happiness, is the happenings around you,
whereas Joy is a deep seeded assurance inside you, Jesus gave us His Joy.
The Joy of the Lord is our strength.
Remember Joy is:
Jesus, Others and You, in that order.
God bless you day
Jesus loves you
Love in Jesus
Our face lights up and our whole being is full of light, and it shows through our smile.
It all comes from the joy of our salvation. Knowing that God loves us, and has forgiven us of all our sin.
We are new creatures in Christ, we are light, not darkness.
Although light shines the brightest in the dark. (Think on this)
Proverbs 15:13
A merry heart makes a cheerful continence, by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken. (Darkness sets in )
Proverbs 15:30
The light of the eyes rejoices the heart, And a good report makes bones healthy.
Let people see the joy of your salvation, they will want what you have. JESUS!
Jesus said, He wanted our joy to remain, but if we fill our mind and our ears with all the junk of the world, we can lose our joy, or at least the expression of it.
Whatever we put into our mind and spirit will come out.
Stop watching the trash and rubbish that the world dishes out.
Instead fill your mind with God's word or books that uplift the life of Jesus.
Let the joy of the Lord engulf you, so that you can flow out on others. We do carry a life giving force.
That is those of us who love the Lord. It will show from our inside to the outside, with our smile.
Remember beloved, a smile can set a lot of things straight.
Joy is not the same as happiness, happiness, is the happenings around you,
whereas Joy is a deep seeded assurance inside you, Jesus gave us His Joy.
The Joy of the Lord is our strength.
Remember Joy is:
Jesus, Others and You, in that order.
God bless you day
Jesus loves you
Love in Jesus