The walking wounded in our churches and fellowships, doing more than is necessary.
So many of God's children are walking around with guilt in their hearts, that they just are not doing enough to please God. He is already pleased with us, because of Jesus.
He has already blessed us with every spiritual blessing. With all our busyness for the Lord, some believe they are gaining brownie points with the Lord the more hours they put in.
We don't do works to please God, we do works because we love God, and its part of our new nature.
If I never do another thing in the kingdom of God, God will still love me and bless me, because I am His.
Jesus gives you rest.
If Jesus sees us complete in Him, shouldn't that give a peace and rest in our soul?
Colossians 2:6-10
As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.
Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the traditions of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.
For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.
There is such a thing as burnout! That is when our ministry is about us pleasing God, so we work harder. (SELF)
It is wonderful to do the works of the Lord, as the Holy Spirit leads you.
But religion has taught us we must do more of this and that in order to be good Christians.
That just is not true.
Allow the Holy Spirit to lead your walk, He will never lead you to the place of burnout!
Works of the flesh, lead to burnout! Sometimes a good thing is not a God thing for you!
Beloved our works are an overflow of the love of God and others.
We are to pour out our living water on others, and enjoy doing it, it is so rewarding to know you are in the will of God, it gives you heart and mind a rest.
We already please our Father God, because we have accepted Jesus. That's the main thing in the Father's heart.
Ask yourself, am I performance minded, so I will look good to others, or am I listening to the Holy Spirit and living in the REST Jesus has provided for me?
Beloved, don't be one of the walking wounded, always thinking you have never done enough, enjoy your day, do what you feel is priority, and learn to appreciate God's presence as you go about your day.
Get to the place where you do not care what people think of you, we only need to please the Lord, not people.
Yes, we are to have a good reputation as belonging to the Lord, but that will come from our actions and reactions, how we live around others. That will be a natural overflow of the presence of the Holy Spirit in us.
You already have PLEASED THE LORD, just by doing what He has said in His word. Believe in Jesus, follow Jesus.
Jesus said, I give you rest.
Stop striving to do more than you are intended to do.
Don't you be, some of the walking wounded.
Rest in the Lord!
Do what you are at peace doing,(All God's paths are peace) don't take on more than God has intended for you to take on. Enjoy Jesus and your day.
God Bless your day
Jesus loves you
Love in Jesus
He has already blessed us with every spiritual blessing. With all our busyness for the Lord, some believe they are gaining brownie points with the Lord the more hours they put in.
We don't do works to please God, we do works because we love God, and its part of our new nature.
If I never do another thing in the kingdom of God, God will still love me and bless me, because I am His.
Jesus gives you rest.
If Jesus sees us complete in Him, shouldn't that give a peace and rest in our soul?
Colossians 2:6-10
As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.
Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the traditions of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.
For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.
There is such a thing as burnout! That is when our ministry is about us pleasing God, so we work harder. (SELF)
It is wonderful to do the works of the Lord, as the Holy Spirit leads you.
But religion has taught us we must do more of this and that in order to be good Christians.
That just is not true.
Allow the Holy Spirit to lead your walk, He will never lead you to the place of burnout!
Works of the flesh, lead to burnout! Sometimes a good thing is not a God thing for you!
Beloved our works are an overflow of the love of God and others.
We are to pour out our living water on others, and enjoy doing it, it is so rewarding to know you are in the will of God, it gives you heart and mind a rest.
We already please our Father God, because we have accepted Jesus. That's the main thing in the Father's heart.
Ask yourself, am I performance minded, so I will look good to others, or am I listening to the Holy Spirit and living in the REST Jesus has provided for me?
Beloved, don't be one of the walking wounded, always thinking you have never done enough, enjoy your day, do what you feel is priority, and learn to appreciate God's presence as you go about your day.
Get to the place where you do not care what people think of you, we only need to please the Lord, not people.
Yes, we are to have a good reputation as belonging to the Lord, but that will come from our actions and reactions, how we live around others. That will be a natural overflow of the presence of the Holy Spirit in us.
You already have PLEASED THE LORD, just by doing what He has said in His word. Believe in Jesus, follow Jesus.
Jesus said, I give you rest.
Stop striving to do more than you are intended to do.
Don't you be, some of the walking wounded.
Rest in the Lord!
Do what you are at peace doing,(All God's paths are peace) don't take on more than God has intended for you to take on. Enjoy Jesus and your day.
God Bless your day
Jesus loves you
Love in Jesus