Jesus is still breathing resurrected life into His children.
Have you ever thought about how many times Jesus has breathed resurrection life back into you?
When we feel like we cannot go on any further, that resurrection life comes and breaths on us.
We don't know how we gained a new perspective and strength and hope once again, but there it is. God breathed.
It is the divine CPR. only Jesus can perform this for us.
We feel like we are down for the count, but here comes the divine CPR, helping us breathe normally once again.
John 11:25
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life, He who believes in Me, though he may die, yet shall he live.
And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?"
Then Jesus called Lazarus out of the grave after being there 4 days.
Why four days, because the Jews believed that your spirit would leave the earth after 3 days.
Jesus made certain that they knew Lazarus was dead and gone.
I love the part where Jesus tells the people to unbind him and loose him from the grave clothes.
We are to unwrap each other out of our grave clothes.
We died with Christ and have old earthly grave clothes on, they need to be removed.
Bad habits, pride, attitudes that are unkind, self-centeredness, old stinky grave clothes.
So spiritually speaking, we unwrap each other, to be loosed in the new kingdom we are to live in. Fresh smelling sweet because of the presence of the Holy Spirit in our life now.
One touch from the Lord will bring healing, and hope once again.
Let's face it, we all will have times when we just cannot find a way out of our mess. BUT GOD!
He is waiting for us to call out to Him, and waiting for us to stop trying to fix things ourselves.
The word for healing, is relax, if you want to be healed, emotionally, or physically, learn to relax in the presence of the Lord.
Allow Jesus to breath on you as He did the disciples, when He said receive the Holy Spirit.
Beloved, wait for the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit to refresh you, it will, and you will be back on fire for the Lord and His work once again.
Pray, relax and see the mighty hand of God work for you, and in you.
God Bless your day
Jesus loves you
Love in Jesus
When we feel like we cannot go on any further, that resurrection life comes and breaths on us.
We don't know how we gained a new perspective and strength and hope once again, but there it is. God breathed.
It is the divine CPR. only Jesus can perform this for us.
We feel like we are down for the count, but here comes the divine CPR, helping us breathe normally once again.
John 11:25
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life, He who believes in Me, though he may die, yet shall he live.
And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?"
Then Jesus called Lazarus out of the grave after being there 4 days.
Why four days, because the Jews believed that your spirit would leave the earth after 3 days.
Jesus made certain that they knew Lazarus was dead and gone.
I love the part where Jesus tells the people to unbind him and loose him from the grave clothes.
We are to unwrap each other out of our grave clothes.
We died with Christ and have old earthly grave clothes on, they need to be removed.
Bad habits, pride, attitudes that are unkind, self-centeredness, old stinky grave clothes.
So spiritually speaking, we unwrap each other, to be loosed in the new kingdom we are to live in. Fresh smelling sweet because of the presence of the Holy Spirit in our life now.
One touch from the Lord will bring healing, and hope once again.
Let's face it, we all will have times when we just cannot find a way out of our mess. BUT GOD!
He is waiting for us to call out to Him, and waiting for us to stop trying to fix things ourselves.
The word for healing, is relax, if you want to be healed, emotionally, or physically, learn to relax in the presence of the Lord.
Allow Jesus to breath on you as He did the disciples, when He said receive the Holy Spirit.
Beloved, wait for the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit to refresh you, it will, and you will be back on fire for the Lord and His work once again.
Pray, relax and see the mighty hand of God work for you, and in you.
God Bless your day
Jesus loves you
Love in Jesus