The reinventing the Jesus of the bible.

Religious cults have done this for years, but I never would have believed that we would live to see some of the churches doing the same, as the cults do.

Change the person of Jesus to suit their styles and desires and tolerances, and political correctness.

We are watching the great falling away. Jesus never compromised God's word to appease the masses of people.
He spoke the truth to them. Truth that would drive the darkness from their mind. He gave them light in order to see the truth.
Adrian Rogers, Billy Graham, David Wilkerson, all saw this coming and warned us years ago.

Jude warned believers about the counterfeit believers, they sound real and sincere but, are not of the same spirit as the true believer's in Jesus Christ were.

Jude 1:12
These are spots in your love feasts, while they feast with you without fear, serving only themselves.  They are clouds without water, carried about by winds;  late autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, pulled up by the roots;  raging waves of the sea, foaming up their own shame; wandering stars for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever. (read all of Jude) a warning to the church.

The new belief, is that God tolerates everyone, He does love everyone, but does not tolerate every thing they do.

After you receive Jesus Christ as Lord, He doesn't leave you as He found you.  You have transferred from sinner to the righteousness of God, from believing a lie to believing the truth.

A training will take place, so that you will learn what it means to walk in the righteousness of God, and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Sin has to be repented of (change your mind and actions) and follow righteousness.

Sin, no longer has dominion over us, we have the Holy Spirit to teach us and direct us to the righteousness (Right standing with God) of God, to live as Jesus intended us to live, the abundant life. Full of peace and provision in every area of our lives.

We are no longer slaves to sin, but we are slaves to righteousness.

Father does not wink at sin, it cost His son great suffering, His very life to save us, redeem us back from the enemy.
The power of sin has been broken, by the blood of Jesus!

Beloved, don't follow the crowd and the way they do things, follow Jesus and know the word of God so you will know it is the Jesus of the bible that you are following.

 Not the Jesus, man has decided to reinvent, who is tolerant of all people, and that He only has love, and will not tell you of the dangers of sin. Wrong!!

The religious world is creating a Jesus, a Savior that is acceptable to the world.

Jesus never preached tolerance, the enemy is trying to get the church to conform to the world, to weaken the gospel and make it powerless.

However the true gospel, and teaching of discipleship, has great power, the very power of the backing of the Holy Spirit, the power that raised Jesus from the dead so that we will produce lasting fruit for the kingdom of God.

We transition from making Jesus Savior, to His transforming us into His very image.
This takes place in our trials and tests, where each time we come through victorious, we are more like Jesus. Less and less like our old nature that wanted to sin.

Jesus has removed the desire to sin from us.  It has no power over us. If we fall into sin, we repent and move on. We are no longer at peace when we sin, we hate it.

Are you being transformed?  Does the world persecute you?  True believers and disciples will be persecuted.  They choose not to follow the latest fad coming down the pike. They follow the Jesus of the word of God, and stand firm!

I pray I have given you much to think about and pray about. Never, ever compromise your faith in Christ Jesus our Lord. Do not allow yourself to conform to the world's mindset.

God bless your day
Jesus loves you

Love in Jesus


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