Impatience is a breeding ground for the idol worship of self.
When we feel God is not moving fast enough in a given situation, we go ahead and take matters in our own hands.
We will push and pull to make things happen sooner. The problem with that is, that we push ourselves into trouble. Opening a door for frustration.
When we start believing, "oh I can fix this, we begin to worship self, the big I, gets in the way of God's timing and His purpose and His plan for our situation.
Impatience, will lead us to depend on ourselves, rather than to depend on the Lord. We have a spiritual thermometer inside of us, we will start to feel uneasy in our soul when we do not wait on the Lord.
Psalm 27:14
Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait I say, on the Lord!
Do you want victorious living? Then learn to wait on the Lord. He is always working on our behalf, trust Him and have faith to know, His love will carry us through.
The children of Israel were impatient with Moses and God, and they made a golden calf of religion, like they had learned to worship in Egypt.
Although God had brought them through some rough impossible things, God did miracle after miracle, but, because of their impatience, they made themselves a god.
Going backwards into the world and it's way of doing things.
Please remember that the devil pushes us, whereas the Holy Spirit gently leads us.
There is a big difference here.
Beloved, don't allow the enemy to push you into something that will only make trouble for you, be patient, listen for the still small voice. God is always communicating with us. Wait for His timing, and His perfect plan. BE PATIENT!
God bless your day
Jesus loves you
Love in Jesus
We will push and pull to make things happen sooner. The problem with that is, that we push ourselves into trouble. Opening a door for frustration.
When we start believing, "oh I can fix this, we begin to worship self, the big I, gets in the way of God's timing and His purpose and His plan for our situation.
Impatience, will lead us to depend on ourselves, rather than to depend on the Lord. We have a spiritual thermometer inside of us, we will start to feel uneasy in our soul when we do not wait on the Lord.
Psalm 27:14
Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait I say, on the Lord!
Do you want victorious living? Then learn to wait on the Lord. He is always working on our behalf, trust Him and have faith to know, His love will carry us through.
The children of Israel were impatient with Moses and God, and they made a golden calf of religion, like they had learned to worship in Egypt.
Although God had brought them through some rough impossible things, God did miracle after miracle, but, because of their impatience, they made themselves a god.
Going backwards into the world and it's way of doing things.
Please remember that the devil pushes us, whereas the Holy Spirit gently leads us.
There is a big difference here.
Beloved, don't allow the enemy to push you into something that will only make trouble for you, be patient, listen for the still small voice. God is always communicating with us. Wait for His timing, and His perfect plan. BE PATIENT!
God bless your day
Jesus loves you
Love in Jesus