The scriptures that make us uneasy, are the one's that we need the most.
God's word is not like a bag of mixed nuts, where you can pick out what you prefer and leave the rest.
How soon we forget that it is the whole of God's word that we need to chew and chew on and grow thereby.
2 Timothy 3:16
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, correction, for instruction in righteousness.
All scripture is God breathed, it is Spirit and it is life. God's name is so holy, yet His word is above His name.
Psalm 138:2
I will worship toward Your holy temple, And praise Your name, For Your loving-kindness and your truth: For you have magnified Your word above all Your name.
We should be growing daily. If we are the same as we were last year, then its time for a spiritual check-up, and some spring cleaning!
Asking ourselves some questions:
1. Do I still have a desire to sit and read the word of God? To meditate.
2. Is my prayer life diminishing, or am I anxious to spend time with the Lord and take needs to Him?
3. Have I discovered something new and fresh in the word of God? We should if we are seeking for it. Jesus said seek and you will find.
4. Do I just read out of duty, to do my to do list, or is my heart hungry and my spirit ready for something fresh and new from the Lord?
5. Am I in fellowship with those like-minded and growing from just being together?
6. Is my focus on Jesus and all that He is in my life? Or is it just about me?
7. Am I convicted by the word of God on issues I need to submit to the Holy Spirit?
8. Is Jesus still my source and supply, or am I trying to do my own thing?
Like you, I am asking myself these same question's.
There are many things we could ask ourselves to see if we are growing and flowing.
Is our heart in our worship or are we just going through the motions?
Remember God's word is alive and sharper than any two edged sword. It will cut through our flesh clear to our bones, and get to our spirit, if we will apply ourselves to it.
We are God's spiritual house. Maybe it is time to allow the Holy Spirit to do a deep cleaning, spring cleaning, if you will.
Beloved, treasure the word of God, it is life to those who find it and health to all our flesh
If you don't have peace, you can find the answer why you don't, in the word of God.
Why don't we have peace? Jesus gave us His peace. We have it, we need to draw on it.
All the answers we will ever need to live in our new life in Christ, is in His word.
God bless your day
Jesus loves you
Love in Jesus
How soon we forget that it is the whole of God's word that we need to chew and chew on and grow thereby.
2 Timothy 3:16
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, correction, for instruction in righteousness.
All scripture is God breathed, it is Spirit and it is life. God's name is so holy, yet His word is above His name.
Psalm 138:2
I will worship toward Your holy temple, And praise Your name, For Your loving-kindness and your truth: For you have magnified Your word above all Your name.
We should be growing daily. If we are the same as we were last year, then its time for a spiritual check-up, and some spring cleaning!
Asking ourselves some questions:
1. Do I still have a desire to sit and read the word of God? To meditate.
2. Is my prayer life diminishing, or am I anxious to spend time with the Lord and take needs to Him?
3. Have I discovered something new and fresh in the word of God? We should if we are seeking for it. Jesus said seek and you will find.
4. Do I just read out of duty, to do my to do list, or is my heart hungry and my spirit ready for something fresh and new from the Lord?
5. Am I in fellowship with those like-minded and growing from just being together?
6. Is my focus on Jesus and all that He is in my life? Or is it just about me?
7. Am I convicted by the word of God on issues I need to submit to the Holy Spirit?
8. Is Jesus still my source and supply, or am I trying to do my own thing?
Like you, I am asking myself these same question's.
There are many things we could ask ourselves to see if we are growing and flowing.
Is our heart in our worship or are we just going through the motions?
Remember God's word is alive and sharper than any two edged sword. It will cut through our flesh clear to our bones, and get to our spirit, if we will apply ourselves to it.
We are God's spiritual house. Maybe it is time to allow the Holy Spirit to do a deep cleaning, spring cleaning, if you will.
Beloved, treasure the word of God, it is life to those who find it and health to all our flesh
If you don't have peace, you can find the answer why you don't, in the word of God.
Why don't we have peace? Jesus gave us His peace. We have it, we need to draw on it.
All the answers we will ever need to live in our new life in Christ, is in His word.
God bless your day
Jesus loves you
Love in Jesus