Only in giving of yourself, will you find the true you.
There is something so freeing about giving to others. Do you want to know the real you? Then be a giver.
God is a great giver. He gave us life and a beautiful earth with all we need in it to live a happy, prosperous life, for our body, soul and spirit.
Plenty of food, sunshine and rain to help our food grow.
It doesn't matter how much we have that counts, but how much we give away, that will be recorded in God's books.
When we empty ourselves of the desire to be number one, and get all we can, and can all we get, that is when we will find such a joy in being like our heavenly Father who gave us the best He has.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have everlasting life.
Then He gave us the Holy Spirit to be our partner in this life. To teach us about heavenly mindedness, and what belongs to us as God's children.
It is in giving of all our resources, that we find out just who we are in Jesus Christ.
If we have plans to do something for ourselves and a need comes up for another, who cannot meet that need themselves, then we are to cancel our plans and give to that need, that is true love.
Just like Jesus.
Proverbs 29: 7
The righteous considers the cause of the poor, But the wicked does not understand such knowledge.
We give many different ways. We give of our finances, material things like clothes, house ware items, we give of our time, most of all we give the love that God has placed in our heart.
There is such a freedom when we let go of something we really like, and give it to someone else.
Try it, you will sense a great joy in letting go, after all, we cannot take any of with us, so why not give it away.
Beloved, be like your heavenly Father, be a great giver, of whatever you can give.
There's a great need right now all over the world, while people are displaced and have nothing. They have no idea what they will eat or where they will sleep.
We can all help!
Let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart, where you can help.
God bless your day
Jesus loves you
Love in Jesus
God is a great giver. He gave us life and a beautiful earth with all we need in it to live a happy, prosperous life, for our body, soul and spirit.
Plenty of food, sunshine and rain to help our food grow.
It doesn't matter how much we have that counts, but how much we give away, that will be recorded in God's books.
When we empty ourselves of the desire to be number one, and get all we can, and can all we get, that is when we will find such a joy in being like our heavenly Father who gave us the best He has.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have everlasting life.
Then He gave us the Holy Spirit to be our partner in this life. To teach us about heavenly mindedness, and what belongs to us as God's children.
It is in giving of all our resources, that we find out just who we are in Jesus Christ.
If we have plans to do something for ourselves and a need comes up for another, who cannot meet that need themselves, then we are to cancel our plans and give to that need, that is true love.
Just like Jesus.
Proverbs 29: 7
The righteous considers the cause of the poor, But the wicked does not understand such knowledge.
We give many different ways. We give of our finances, material things like clothes, house ware items, we give of our time, most of all we give the love that God has placed in our heart.
There is such a freedom when we let go of something we really like, and give it to someone else.
Try it, you will sense a great joy in letting go, after all, we cannot take any of with us, so why not give it away.
Beloved, be like your heavenly Father, be a great giver, of whatever you can give.
There's a great need right now all over the world, while people are displaced and have nothing. They have no idea what they will eat or where they will sleep.
We can all help!
Let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart, where you can help.
God bless your day
Jesus loves you
Love in Jesus