Live your life in Jesus, to express not to impress.
Are your motives in sharing Jesus and doing service for the kingdom, about you or the Lord?
To express : to put into words and being direct, about the Lord.
To Impress: to effect strongly the mind and emotions of others, pointing to ourselves.
We are to work for the cause, not for the applause.
The cause of Christ carries its own applause, seeing lives changed will cause your heart to rejoice and all the applause goes to the Lord. We don't need the applause of man. Our rewards are in heaven.
What we do in the kingdom of God is not for our recognition, it is for Jesus, so people will recognize His work in their life and know that He loves them.
We are not to strive to make our presence known, we are to strive to make our absence felt. Why? Because people can sense the love of God in us, and it has a fragrance.
Philippians 4:18 (Gifts that Paul received)
A sweet-smelling aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well pleasing to God.
Our gifts given for the Lords work is a sweet-smelling sacrifice, our very presence is a sweet aroma.
Yes, it is important to make our presence felt, because of the Holy Spirit presence giving off that aroma in us.
Love that is in us, has a sweet smell.
I remember during a wonderful worship time in our church in California, while worshipping, there was a sweet smell that filled the room.
I smelled the same thing when my mom went to be with the Lord, the house filled with that wonderful fragrance.
Remember whose you are and remember also we have the Holy Spirit in us, and people smell that aroma, we don't smell it on ourselves, but in the spirit world it is evident.
2Corinthians 2:4-16
Now thanks be to God who always leads us to triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.
To one we are the aroma of death leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life.
Beloved, that is why, when with unsaved people we do not agree with gossip, being critical, and mean spirited, there will be no aroma coming from you when you step out of the Spirit and go into the flesh. (that old sinful nature)
We are to be a fragrance to this world, saying that we are different, this gives them hope for themselves. They see enough of the anger, and criticism going on in the world, they need to see God's children do not engage in all the worlds rhetoric.
Never think you are better than anyone, you are different. We are righteous in Jesus Christ.
Born of God's Spirit and it should be evident to those you are around.
God bless your day
Jesus loves you
Love in Jesus
To express : to put into words and being direct, about the Lord.
To Impress: to effect strongly the mind and emotions of others, pointing to ourselves.
We are to work for the cause, not for the applause.
The cause of Christ carries its own applause, seeing lives changed will cause your heart to rejoice and all the applause goes to the Lord. We don't need the applause of man. Our rewards are in heaven.
What we do in the kingdom of God is not for our recognition, it is for Jesus, so people will recognize His work in their life and know that He loves them.
We are not to strive to make our presence known, we are to strive to make our absence felt. Why? Because people can sense the love of God in us, and it has a fragrance.
Philippians 4:18 (Gifts that Paul received)
A sweet-smelling aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well pleasing to God.
Our gifts given for the Lords work is a sweet-smelling sacrifice, our very presence is a sweet aroma.
Yes, it is important to make our presence felt, because of the Holy Spirit presence giving off that aroma in us.
Love that is in us, has a sweet smell.
I remember during a wonderful worship time in our church in California, while worshipping, there was a sweet smell that filled the room.
I smelled the same thing when my mom went to be with the Lord, the house filled with that wonderful fragrance.
Remember whose you are and remember also we have the Holy Spirit in us, and people smell that aroma, we don't smell it on ourselves, but in the spirit world it is evident.
2Corinthians 2:4-16
Now thanks be to God who always leads us to triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.
To one we are the aroma of death leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life.
Beloved, that is why, when with unsaved people we do not agree with gossip, being critical, and mean spirited, there will be no aroma coming from you when you step out of the Spirit and go into the flesh. (that old sinful nature)
We are to be a fragrance to this world, saying that we are different, this gives them hope for themselves. They see enough of the anger, and criticism going on in the world, they need to see God's children do not engage in all the worlds rhetoric.
Never think you are better than anyone, you are different. We are righteous in Jesus Christ.
Born of God's Spirit and it should be evident to those you are around.
God bless your day
Jesus loves you
Love in Jesus